Integrated program for Governance Expert

Integrated program for Governance Expert




Days 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.


This training program seeks to train specialized human cadres on the most important standards of corporate governance and inform them of the best international practices followed in this regard.

It also aims to provide participants with a vision that will help develop their awareness and hone their creative skills in order to contribute innovatively to developing a systematic strategy to improve institutional work and adapt to the global changes taking place in this regard, especially those that are in line with the workplace.

Therefore, the training program will help participants become familiar with global changes regarding corporate governance and sustainability approaches.

Detailed objectives of the program

  • Preparing and qualifying a new batch of corporate governance experts by providing them with the concepts and standards of good governance in government institutions and bodies and the principles of that governance and its importance to improve performance towards institutional excellence.

  • Qualifying them to lead policies related to the good governance of their institutions, and forming teams to review, evaluate and improve those policies.

  • Providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to integrate and apply governance standards in their field of work.

  • Refine their scientific and cognitive skills by providing them with the best modern international practices in the field of governance of government institutions.

  • Training participants on drafting an integrated guide to governance policies and applying it in institutional work through training workshops and applications.

  • Analyze opportunities and threats and develop a strategic framework to deal with them.

  • Acquiring and developing participants’ scientific and practical skills related to preparing and implementing strategic plans for governance practices.

Who should attend?

• Managers and employees of departments and sections (human resources - legal - institutional excellence)

• Members of excellence committees and sustainability teams and candidates for joining these committees.

• Customer service officials and employees and service providers to the public.

• Employees of public relations and media units and departments.

Course content:

  • The concept of corporate governance and its basic principles

  • Governance objectives (transparency - accountability - responsibility - equality)

  • Governance as one of the standards of excellence according to the Government Excellence Program - the fourth generation system

  • Capabilities and results associated with the governance standard

  • The impact of governance applications on achieving the UAE Vision 2071.

  • Social Accountability Standard SA 8000 and its role in promoting good governance.

  • The steps taken by the UAE government and local governments towards consolidating the principles of governance.

  • Elements of good governance and their applications in institutional work.

  • How to link governance and its principles to institutional work

  • Basic skills of a corporate governance expert. And how to acquire it.

  • The role of the governance expert in implementing the governance strategy and policy.

  • The impact of applying governance principles on enhancing institutional reputation.

  • Corporate governance applications in the ISO 26000 specification

  • Local and international legislation related to governance, its adequacy and shortcomings.

  • Indicators of applying governance elements and principles in government work.

  • Preparatory steps and practical procedures towards implementing good governance in government bodies and institutions.

  • The most prominent strengths and weaknesses in applying governance at the strategic management level.

  • Institutional governance as a key element in achieving sustainable development.

  • A workshop and presentation of the best local and international practices in the field of corporate governance applications

Training methods:

  • Case studies and practical exercises

  • Role-playing

  • Work simulation exercises

  • Related videos

  • Visual display

  • Group workshops

  • Guidance

Preparing the training bag

  • At Strategic Vision Training Center, we are always keen on providing the best standards for the training content we offer

  • Each program and training bag should include several axes:

           Analysis - Design - Development - Implementation – Evaluation

  • In addition to, specialized team in designing training materials with the best quality standards which is appropriate to the needs and variables of training

Preparation of the training environment

One of our top priorities

  • Choosing a training site, which is easy to be accessed by the trainees and that the training halls are suitable for the training program in terms of quality and luxury standards that we are keen on

The following factors are taken into consideration when choosing a training hall:

  •  General atmosphere (space - system - ventilation)

  •  Equipment of the hall (a place for rest periods - the quality of the offered food and beverage)