The role of professional management in marketing and real estate investment:
Professional management and its importance in the marketing and real estate investment industry,
Leadership and excellence in the real estate market,
Defining the purpose and mission of the real estate company,
Formulating the objectives of real estate companies,
Analysis and forecasting of the environment surrounding real estate companies,
Analysis of the company's internal capabilities,
Choosing the company's future plan,
Implementation of the company's strategy.
Developing real estate marketing skills:
The general framework of the real estate marketing function,
Discover marketing opportunities,
Get to know your customers before you sell your property,
How to present the property and services to different types of clients,
How to end the sales interview in your favour,
Plans, objectives and strategies in the field of real estate marketing,
Identifying and analyzing the competition in the real estate market,
International marketing of the real estate market,
Marketing feasibility study and market knowledge in the real estate marketing industry,
Various strategies for pricing decision,
Public relations campaigns and their impact on the real estate market,
Evaluating marketing performance.
Developing financial and accounting skills in the real estate field:
The financial and accounting skills of the real estate marketing man,
The role of accounting information in making real estate market decisions,
Financial analysis of the lists of real estate companies,
Management of financial crises in the real estate market and business organizations,
Financial feasibility study and evaluation of investment projects,
Real estate financing methods, financial forecasting under the conditions of risk and uncertainty surrounding the real estate market.
Developing the behavioral skills of the real estate marketing team:
The concept of integrated and continuous service to customers,
Effective communication behaviors with clients in the real estate market,
The foundations of distinguished service in the field of real estate marketing,
Negotiation skills and how to deal with customer objections,
The necessary behavioral skills for real estate appraisers,
The Ten Keys to Success for Real Estate Marketing Officials,
Creative thinking and transforming ideas into action plans and programs for real estate marketing officials.
Information systems and real estate marketing:
The role of information systems in the field of financial evaluation,
The general concept of electronic commerce,
Real estate marketing via the Internet and its relationship to e-commerce.
Total Quality in Real Estate Investment and Marketing:
Foundations and concepts of total quality management in investment and real estate marketing,
The economics of quality and entrances to the application of TQM, methods of implementing total quality management in investment and real estate marketing,
Steps to implement total quality in real estate investment and marketing companies,
The basic differences between total quality and ISO,
Methods of evaluating the application of total quality management.
Legal aspects in the field of real estate investment:
Contract management, original real estate rights,
Authentic bonds and real estate records,
Elements of the contract of sale and real estate lease,