Core capabilities of managers of senior management offices and executive secretaries Course

Core capabilities of managers of senior management offices and executive secretaries Course




Dayes 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.


  • Introducing participants to modern methods and strategies in management, devices used in secretarial work and their systems.
  • Providing them with the skills and information necessary for their knowledge and providing them with the skills of dealing with various work processes and dealing with others.
  • Introducing participants to how to use the electronic secretariat and electronic office management and the necessary programs for that.
  • Provide participants with behavioral and administrative skills for secretarial work and office management electronically.
  • Providing them with advanced skills in how to use electronic systems in office management applications and general and executive secretarial work.

Who should attend?

All workers in office management and secretarial work in various departments and sections at all levels of management in the public and private sectors.

Course content:

  • Modern concepts and strategies for managing future offices.
  • Administrative and behavioral skills of office and secretarial workers.
  • Office management, public relations, etiquette and ceremonies.
  • Solving office problems in innovative ways.
  • Secretarial and electronic office management.
  • Skills of managing time and work pressures.
  • Skills of organizing meetings and following up their implementation.
  • Future skills in office management and executive secretarial.
  • The skill of dealing with superiors and investing psychological patterns to deal with them.
  • Skills of preparing and writing reports and administrative messages.
  • Communication skills and communication with others.
  • Electronic management concept and applications.
  • Definition of electronic management and its practical applications Ms Outlook, Outlook express
  • Phone dialer- Msn Messenger, Yahoo Messenger
  • Appointments letter Appointments
  • E-mail, Net meeting, appointment
  • E- Management correspondence applications electronically
  • Electronic Dial up Connection
  • Email applications Inbox, Out box, Draft, Notes
  • Electronic archiving and file compression Win Zip, Sent Item, Delete Item, Journal
  • E-Time Management calendar
  • Ms-word-templates applications for administrative correspondence electronically

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