Information Self Security Course

Information Self Security Course


Security Courses




Dayes 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.



  • Training participants to understand the rules, foundations and elements of information security
  • Introducing participants to the risks that afflict users of the Internet and information systems at the personal level and in the workplace
  • Training participants on how to secure their personal sites
  • Introducing participants to the principles to be followed for the security of personal and work information to avoid exposure to penetration and leakage
  • Introducing participants to the security rules for dealing with information systems in workplaces in particular, personal computers and mobile phone devices
  • Develop abilities to understand the rules, foundations and elements of information security
  • Develop capabilities to understand the risks facing the user of the Internet and information systems and networks
  • Develop capabilities on how to secure personal accounts on different websites
  • Develop trainees' knowledge about the rules of information security that the user of information systems must follow in order not to be exposed to hacking or espionage
  • Develop knowledge about the rules, foundations and elements of information security
  • Developing capabilities to understand the risks facing the user of the Internet and information systems and networks
  • Capacity development on how to secure personal accounts on different websites
  • Developing knowledge about the rules of information security that the user of information systems must follow

Who should attend?

  • Police officers working in the field of criminal investigation and information analysis
  • Members of the Public Prosecution Office and judges
  • Government and private sector employees
  • Information security officers in the police and military sectors
  • lawyers
  • University faculty members
  • Security officials in institutions and companies

Course content:

1st Day

Describe what is meant by information security and its basic elements

  • Introducing information security and information self-security
  • Explain the basic elements of information security
  • An analytical study of the most famous cases of information breach and their causes

2nd Day

Risks facing Internet users and information systems and networks

  • Explaining the work of digital viruses and worms
  • Explain the methods of hacking and espionage
  • Explanation of the methods of penetration and the most famous cases of practical reality

3rd Day

Securing personal accounts on Facebook

  •  Explanation of the components and characteristics of the Facebook site
  •  How to create an account and secure it from hacking or spying
  •  How do you know if an account is hacked or spied on and what action can be taken to re-secure the account

4th Day

Securing personal accounts on Twitter and Google

  •  Explanation of the components and characteristics of Twitter
  •  How to create an account and secure it from hacking or spying
  •  How do you know if an account is hacked or spied on and what action can be taken to re-secure the account

5nd Day

Securing personal accounts on Instagram and WhatsApp

  • Explanation of the components and characteristics of Instagram and WhatsApp
  •  How to create an account and secure it from hacking or spying
  •  How do you know if an account is hacked or spied on and what action can be taken to re-secure the account