Strategic Planning for Occupational Safety and Risk Management Processes Course

Strategic Planning for Occupational Safety and Risk Management Processes Course




Dayes 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.


  • Understanding the nature and characteristics of the security operation and its objectives?
  • Knowing the concept and comprehensive security planning?
  • Knowing the main duties and tasks of the facility's security apparatus?
  • Develop your skills by identifying all the risks that threaten the security of the facility and the safety of its employees?

Who should attend?

Security officials at all levels (administration head, department head, supervisor, shift head, security observer)

Course content:

  • How to configure VIP protection teams.
  • Equipment for buildings (oil, security, military) - equipment - graduation. Training fields.
  • How to select personnel to protect VIPs, and the specifications that must be met.
  • How to configure permanent and temporary operating rooms to protect VIPs and their equipment.
  • The security plan for the facilities (oil, security, and military)
  • Practical training on foot guard formations.
  • Practical training on the formation of passengers (cars) while standing and moving
  • Division of security departments and the role of the participating agencies in insurance operations and how to coordinate between them
  • Counter-monitoring and its effective role in VIP security operations
  • Behavioral skills of the security man. The basics of a security man
  • Permits - cards - security records. Human behavior.
  • Participation of security officers for workers in various events and activities
  • Developing the skills of security officers from preparing and writing reports
  • Methods of developing field skills for security officers when facing security situations and crises
  • Modern methods of searching individuals, vehicles and parcels.
  • Communication strategies for security officers. Protocol and protocol strategies in dealing with VIPs.
  • The most important risks that threaten security and safety in the current era and prior prevention strategies.
  • The importance of security and protection for individuals and facilities, identifying risks and preparing plans.
  • The behavioral skills of the contemporary security man and the technological role in communications.
  • Selection of security personnel (specifications - standards)
  • The basics that make up the security man (tips for continuous learning and permanent development of the security personality)
  • Behavioral skills of the security man and the role of using the foundations of public relations in his actions.
  • The duties of the security man at present and the challenges to be met.
  • The role of the security man in the facility (planning - advisory - executive)
  • Methods of developing a sense of security and the necessary skills for security men in their social life.
  • Security plans in facilities / studies of the possibilities and preparation of preventive plans against all risks.
  • An overview of the role played by the security (permits - cards - records) in protecting the security of the facility.
  • Behavior and security sense of the security officer, methods of developing them
  • Participation of security officers in various social events and activities.
  • Developing the skills of security officers from preparing and writing reports and analyzing data.
  • Methods of developing field skills for security officers when facing security situations and crises.
  • Methods of dialogue during the inspection of individuals and vehicles, and ways to transform this task into a tactful, friendly conversation.
  • Communication skills for security officers inside and outside the facility.
  • Skills of using public relations and communication in the actions of security men.
  • Practical and applied cases and workshops

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