Cyber Security Course

Cyber Security Course


Security Courses




Dayes 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.



Understand the axes of Cyber security and the threats surrounding it and how to deal with them

  • Understand Cyber Attacks, how to do them, and weaknesses and strengths in information systems
  • Understand ransomware attacks and how to deal with them

Who should attend?

  • Police officers working in the field of criminal investigation and information analysis
  • Members of the Public Prosecution Office and judges
  • Government and private sector employees
  • Information security officers in the police and military sectors
  • lawyers
  • Security officials in institutions and companies

Course content:

1st Day

Introducing cyber security, its interlocutors, and legal protection for it

  •  The concept of cyber security
  •  Basic elements of Cyber Security
  •  Legal aspects of Cyber Security protection

2nd Day

An analytical study of the most famous cyber attacks

  •  Analytical study of Aramco cyber attacks
  •  An analytical study of the Estonia Cyber Attacks and their implications
  •  An analytical study of various attacks around the world
  •  Analysis of the most important statistical sites for cyber attacks

3rd Day

Ransomware attacks, how they work and strategy to deal with them

  • • Identification of ransomware
  • • The mechanism of action of ransomware and the purpose of the attacks committed with it
  • • The most famous ransomware attacks and their effects
  • • How to deal with and prevent attacks

4th Day

International and national efforts to protect cyber security

  • • International protection for cyber security and regulation of cyber war rules (Tallinn Committee for Cyber ​​Security)
  • • The role of the International Telecommunication Union in assessing cyber readiness to deal with cyber attacks
  • • INTERPOL's efforts to protect cybersecurity
  • • Cyber ​​security in the United Arab Emirates

5nd Day

Cyber ​​security rules in organizations

  • Technical assets for dealing with information systems in institutions
  • Threats to cyber security in industrial and vital institutions
  • Cyber ​​wars and attacks directed at information systems
  • Rules for the safe use of information systems in organizations