Planning and Maintenance of Cranes Course

Planning and Maintenance of Cranes Course




Dayes 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.



  • Providing participants with modern, advanced and used techniques and basic information about overhead cranes and explaining the basic principles necessary to qualify the trainee to deal with them in a scientific manner.
  • Developing participants' knowledge about the stages, following the technical rules, inspection, safety and security precautions when dealing with cranes, and the necessary tests to be carried out after each winch repair.
  • Providing participants with modern technologies and introducing the components of cranes in general and overhead cranes in particular, while providing the technical expertise necessary for maintenance and repair operations.


Who should attend?

  • All employees, safety officials, crane drivers and forklift drivers and graduates of all modern qualifications wishing to work in the field of occupational safety, health and the environment in iron and steel companies, factories, construction, governmental and civil bodies, drilling and petroleum companies.
  • The course targets engineers and technicians working in the field of operation and maintenance of overhead cranes.


Course content:

  • General introduction to winches and their various uses in industry.
  • The basics of overhead cranes.
  • Overhead cranes, their types and main parts.

Management components for mobile overhead cranes:

  • Lifting mechanics
  • Rotation mechanics
  • The main parts of crane mechanisms management:-
    • brakes - gearboxes
    • Bearings - Bolts and Plugs
  • Lubricating the overhead cranes.
  • Winch maintenance schedule.
  • Mechanical tests of the winch.
  • Winch operating instructions.
  • Industrial security instructions for the maintenance and operation of the winch.
  • Repair and inspection of bars.
  • Induction motor and its types.
  • Theory of engine operation.
  • Equivalent circuit.
  • Motor torque.
  • Starting of the slip rings motor.
  • AC motor protection.
  • AC motor malfunctions and repair.
  • Maintenance of AC motor.
  • AC motor braking.
  • Types of brakes.
  • Installation and electrical connections

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