Introduction to Drilling Course

Introduction to Drilling Course




Dayes 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.


The Introduction to Drilling course provides an insight into today’s drilling industry. The course explains why and how we drill wells and what drilling equipment is used for this purpose. The importance of well control equipment and the Blowout Preventer (BOP) is highlighted in detail. In addition, candidates learn the differences between various drilling rig types and how the choice of rig may change depending on the chosen drilling location.

  • Explain the difference between exploration, appraisal and development wells
  • Understand how a well is drilled and what equipment is used to do so
  • Understand the dangers and risks involved when drilling a well
  • Explain the importance of well control equipment and the BOP
  • Describe the key differences between drilling rig types and how different rig types are used depending on the drilling location

Who should attend?

This introductory course is suitable for individuals who currently work for or who recently joined an organization operating in the drilling industry. Anyone else who wishes to gain a better understanding of the drilling industry is also welcome to attend. No technical background is required for this course.

Course content:

  • Why do we need energy?
  • A history of the oil field
  • The process of drilling a well
  • The dangers and risks involved in drilling
  • An insight into drilling rig equipment:
  • Well control equipment
  • Mud pumps and mud systems
  • Draw works and lifting
  • Top drives and rotation
  • Support equipment
  • The differences between rig types
  • Special rig operations

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