Reviewing the Accounts of Salaries and Wages for Personnel and Human Resources and Preparing the Labor Budget Course

Reviewing the Accounts of Salaries and Wages for Personnel and Human Resources and Preparing the Labor Budget Course




Dayes 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.



  • Developing the skills of employees in the departments and departments of personnel affairs in government agencies and departments in particular, and workers in the financial departments and departments of those agencies in general on the use of the sound scientific approach in accounting for employee salaries and benefits and preparing the employment budget, through practical and applied case studies. This is in addition to providing them with modern trends in developing accounting for these salaries and benefits within the framework of evaluating and controlling this type of expenditure.
  • Using the computer in preparing the labor budget, using advanced statistical methods, which is reflected in the accuracy of the estimates.
  • Methods of activating the follow-up and control through budgets and using follow-up reports for the purposes of performance evaluation and improvement.
  • Skills in dealing with real-world problems from practice and practical application

Who should attend?

  • Those working in the personnel department and financial management in government agencies and departments in general, and those working in personnel affairs departments and sections in particular

Course content:

  • Personnel Affairs Department: - What it is. Its position in the organizational structure. - Her specialty.
  • Elements of work: - Its importance. Its relationship to the cost structure of activities.
  • Incentive systems.
  • Evaluation and development of incentive systems in personnel affairs departments.
  • Principles and standards for linking wages to worker productivity
  • Employees' entitlements and the problems of accounting for them.
  • Deductions and the calculation of the net wage due to the worker.
  • Preparing payroll and wages statement.
  • Calculating the comprehensive wage rate and using it in cost accounting for the work component.
  • Functionally analyzing wages and charging activities at the cost of the work component.
  • Practical cases and applications on the computer.
  • Planning budget for the cost of work and the use of learning curves.
  • Commissioned control over the wage component.
  • Binary, triple and quadrant analysis of labor cost deviations.
  • Reviewing the accounts of salaries and wages. Audit program / audit procedures / test review of salaries and wages accounts.
  • Formulating and making administrative decisions related to the work component: – Case study: Using the point of cost symmetry in choosing between training alternatives.
  • Structured review of electronically prepared payroll accounts.
  • Preparing training plans and how to prepare the budget.
  • The nature and nature of planning budgets, their types, and their relationship to the labor budget.
  • The concept of budget and its functions.
  • Entrances to the preparation of budgets.
  • Presenting practical examples of the starting point for preparing budgets.
  • Types of budgets and the relationship between them: Types of Budgets
  • The ten tips and commandments when building and preparing the employment budget
  • Determining the basic factors governing the preparation of the budget.
  • Important tips when preparing budget estimates.
  • Using computer-supported statistical methods in cost estimation
  • Forecasting methods
  • Using the computer in preparing the activity budget using the multiple regression method
  • A complete practical case for preparing budgets in a non-profit establishment.
  • Balance the activity.
  • An integrated workshop for preparing the employment budget using the computer according to the entrance to the volume of activity
  • An integrated workshop for preparing the employment budget using the computer according to the entrance to the units and performance rates